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Pen and inkpot on a glass dish - 1885
Silhouette of a Woman, Mitche and a Lock - 1885
Woman with a Hood and a Wasp - 1885
Mitche Ensor - 1885
Houses, a street lamp and a carriage - 1885
Self-Portrait - 1885
Two spoons and a curtain - 1885
Model of a ship - 1885
Studies for a Portrait of a Woman - 1885
Combat of the Rascals Désir and Rissolé - 1888
Wizards in a Squall - 1888
Squelettes voulant se chauffer - 1895
Fridolin et Gragapanca d'Yperdamme - 1895
La reine Parysatis écorchant un eunuque - 1900
Les mauvais médecins - 1900